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Monday, 26 September 2016

Best of hollywood (part 2) (dual audio-eng,hindi)

Best of hollywood movies (part 2 ) 
This is the part 2 of best hollywood movies list. The download is available in dual audio (hindi, english)
How to download: download torrent app like `ttorrent` or `utorrent` from play store. Now click on any movie on this list and download will start immediately!

Best of hollywood

1. Wolf of wall street(comedy)      2. Gods of egypt(action)

3. The matrix triology(action)      4. The martian (Drama, sci-fi)

5. The prestige(drama)              6. Source code(thriller)

7. Batman vs superman(action)       8. Unknown(thriller,action)

9. The social network(biography)    10.Shutter island(thriller)

11.Kung fu panda(animation)         12.Gladiator(action)

13.Wall e(animation)                14.Repo men(action,thriller)

15.Die hard 4(action)               16.Kill bill(action,drama)

17.The pursuit of happiness(drama)  18.Sherlock holmes(mystery)

19.Minority report(sci-fi, action)  20.The day after tomorrow(apo.)

21.Thr hurt locker(action,thriller) 22.New police story(action)

23.Gravity(sci-fi)                  24.Oblivion(action,fantasy)

25.Edge of tomorrow(sci-fi, action) 26.Pacific rim(action,sci-fi) 

27.Project almanac(sci-fi)          28 Man with the iron fists(act)

29.The core(sci-fi)                 30.Megamind(animation)

31.Jurassic world(fantasy)          32.Prince of persia(action)

33.Casino royale(action)            34.Enders game(sci-fi,action)

35.Jonah hex(action)                36.King kong(action,fantasy)

37.The legend of tarzan(action)     38.Hunger games(action, drama)

39.Independence day 2(action)       40.San andreas(apocalypse)

41.Lucy(sci-fi)                     42.Prometheus(sci-fi)

43.The a team(action)               44.Final destination(thriller)

45.Evil dead(horror)                46.Elysium(sci-fi, action)

47.Ghost rider(action)              48.Avengers 2(action)

49.Constantine(horror)              50.Invisible target(action)

Friday, 23 September 2016

The best selected hollywood movies with download

Top 10 english movies of every genre. Lists are updated regularly and the movies are mostly of the 21st century 

(How to download: first install an app like `ttorrent` or `utorrent` from google play store. After you have downloaded the app just click on the movie name from this app and the download will start immediately!) 

Best of hollywood

1. A beautiful mind 

2. The shawshank redemption

3. The time machine

4. Fight club

5. Se7en

6. Interstellar

7. Inception

8. Kung fu panda

9. Avatar

10. The dark knight

Best of action

1. Kingsman the secret service

2. John wick

3. Mad max:fury road

4. Wanted

5. Hardcore henry

6. Transformers

7. 300

8. Sucker punch

9. Ip man

10.Ninja assassin

Best superhero movies

1. The dark knight

2. Kickass

3. Hancock

4. Man of steel

5. Deadpool

6. Spiderman 3

7. Captain america: civil war

8. Big hero 6

9. Guardians of the galaxy

10.Iron man 3

Best comedy movies

1. Project X

2. Hangover

3. Superbad

4. 21 jump street

5. Dumb and dumber

6. Me myself and irene

7. We are the millers

8. Hot fuzz

9. Horrible bosses

10.Shaun of the dead

Most horror movies

1. The grudge

2. The ring

3. The babadook

4. The sixth sense

5. The devil inside

6. Paranormal activity 3

7. Insidious 3

8. It follows

9. The exorcism of Emily Rose

10.The conjuring

Best zombie movies

1. I am legend

2. World war z

3. Train to busan

4. Warm bodies

5. Resident evil series

6. Zombieland

7. 28 weeks later

8. Dawn of the dead

9. Shaun of the dead

10.Scout's guide to zombie apocalypse

Best thriller movies

1. Shutter island

2. Se7en

3. Silence of the lambs

4. The prestige

5. Number 23

6. Gone girl

7. Prisoners

8. Nightcrawler

9. Old boy


Best animated movies

1. Kung fu panda

2. Inside out

3. Spirited away

4. Big hero 6

5. The lion king